Try The 12-12-12 Decluttering Challenge, Mini Mission for Maximum Impact

Preciously, we explained some decluttering methods, such as the 90/90 method and the KonMarie method. Today we will enter the 12-12-12 Challenge, a decluttering method that’s like a mini samurai sword, ready to slice through your clutter woes.

put away 12 items in proper spaces

This method comes from Joshua Backer of becoming minimalist. He came up with 14 achievable methods, and the 12-12-12 method is the most popular one so far. Jashua believes when you remove distractions from your lives you can focused more time, money and energy on the things that matter most. He said “decluttering decision is not easy process, deciding what to keep and what to let go can become very emotional but over time this process will be become easier. and we think there is no better than 12-12-12 challenge method to practice of detaching to our belonging that no longer serve us. The rule is simple, quick and rewarding, find 12 items to get rid of , 12 items to donate and 12 items to put back to their proper place, in just couple of minutes you have already declutter 36 items that create a significant difference.

This challenge is simple and doable in our everyday routine. The rules are planned to be effective while still being achievable. You can set a timer for 12 minutes (because who doesn’t love a quick win?) and tackle three tasks:

  1. Throw away 12 Items: Select items that are not useful anymore, broken, or expired. You will create more space and a more decluttered place by the end of the 12th item. After the 6th or 7th item, you will probably feel… But if you are more determined, you will find even more trash to toss into the trash. Be ruthless!
  2. Donate 12 items: Got clothes you haven’t worn in ages? Board games that haven’t seen the light of day since, well, forever? A donation center will welcome them with open arms. Another way to get rid of items that no longer serve you (if they have resell value) is to have a garage sale or sell them on Facebook Marketplace, Poshmark, or any other application. By donating or selling, you are not only tidying up your space but also giving a second life to the items.
  3. Put Away 12 Items: While you are doing steps 1 and 2, if you find any clutter of items which identify them as kept items, gather all 12 of them and put them back, where they belong and restore order to your space. 
donate 12 items of toys in 12 12 12 Method

Why it Works Effectively

The beauty of the 12-12-12 Challenge is that it is an easy yet powerful method. It breaks down decluttering into bite-sized chunks, making it feel less daunting and more like a game. Plus, the 12-minute time limit keeps you focused and prevents you from getting bogged down in indecision. The key here is number 12. A number can make a little push when you are not really sure about an item. It makes your steps and goals clear and helps you easily pass the clutter swamp.

easily decluttered closet by 12-12-12 Method

Confession Time: Amanda One of the team members tried the challenge in her little cozy home office and shared her opinion: ” I’ll admit it. My desk is a constant battleground against clutter. The other day, I decided to unleash the power of the 12-12-12 Challenge. In 12 minutes, I tossed 12 used sticky notes and unearthed a forgotten (but perfectly usable!). Find a notebook to donate (because (she takes note paper less), and finally put away all those runaway pens that had mysteriously migrated from their holder. My desk felt calmer, and guess what? I felt a surge of accomplishment too! Then, I did not just stay with this, and went through my computer files and folders. Decided to spend a few minutes every day dealing with the chaos and decluttering my digital space as well. I am planning to start using the same method for my mail inbox.”

Try 12 12 12 Method Now!

The 12-12-12 Challenge is a fantastic way to jumpstart your decluttering journey. It’s quick, effective, and leaves you feeling empowered. So, what are you waiting for? 

Start with the most cluttered area in your home. Set your timer, grab a trash bag and a donation bin, and get ready to conquer your clutter! You might be surprised at how much you can achieve in just 12 minutes.

Adapt yourself to minimal life style. The main principle of 12-12-12 method is living with fewer possessions. Just keep necessary items which are truly importance.

Remember, like we have always said, decluttering is a marathon, not a sprint. With the 12-12-12 Challenge, you can take those first few steps towards a calmer, more organized space, one mini-mission at a time. 

The 12-12-12 Challenge awaits!


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